Stress Discovery Channel: Animalogy News

Have fun exploring the wild world of Animalogy News!

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Étape 1

Props for a news cast team

From an ordinary object, create some props for a news cast team: a microphone, a camera, some accessories and lay around some materials to inspire children create their own.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather participants and introduce the activity as "Animalogy News: Exploring Animal Behaviour." Explain that they will be taking on the roles of animal experts who will be interviewed by the news anchor.


The news anchor announces a sensational news story: animals are behaving more and more bizarrely. Encourage the players to get into character and prepare to explain their expertise on various animal behaviour.


The news anchor selects players to take on the roles of specific animal experts (e.g., bear expert, koala expert, hedgehog expert, etc.). Each expert is given the floor to explain their perspective on the bizarre animal behaviour. They can incorporate humour and seriousness as they see fit. Encourage the experts to use props and improvise to make their interviews entertaining and informative.


After each interview, the news anchor can ask follow-up questions or prompt discussion among the group.


Wrap up the activity by thanking the experts for their insights and creativity. Facilitate a brief discussion about the different animal behaviour explored during the interviews. Encourage the players to reflect on how animals' behaviours can be similar to or different from human behaviour.


If time allows, the players can switch roles and take turns being the news anchor and animal experts for additional interviews.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.

The centre of the poster depicts different animals with different stress reactions. The animals depicted and their stress responses are:

  • Fight (chipmunk, eagle, lions, kangaroos, chimpanzee, chickens)
  • Flight (turtle, hedgehog, sloth, cheetah)
  • Freeze (bear, ducks, gorilla, rhino, flamingo)
  • Fawn (dog, camels, peacocks, deer, otters, donkey)
  • Other (bison, wolf, snake, polar bear, pigeon, shark, meerkat, giraffe, bunny, toucans, owl, cat, black panther, koala, llama, panda, red panda, lemur, ostrich, penguin, horse, argali, elephant, fox, skunk, cuttlefish)
  • No stress reaction (bat, red crab, ladybug, mouse, killer whale, seal, eagle ray, chameleon, red frog, purple frog, purple hermit crab, parrot, scarlet ibis, crocodile, sea star)

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

  • Stress Discovery Channel: Animal Clue Challenge


  • Let the players create their own fantasy animal. All players choose one characteristic from each category and make their own fantasy animal. Encourage a discussion about why they chose which feature and have them explain their fantasy animal. Have them draw this animal in its ‘natural’ environment.
  • Use the info board on the poster with the 4 stress reactions to explore trauma-related themes such as triggers, coping strategies, and post-traumatic growth.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Develop an understanding of your own emotions, behaviours, and responses by exploring the emotional and behavioural states of animals depicted on the poster.
  • Enhance your ability to empathise with

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