Inside The Brain: Professor Think, Emo Elf and Guardian Gorilla

Understand the functions of different parts of the brain by engaging in a creative role-playing adventure.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather the players around the poster of The Brain and explain the basic concepts of the thinking brain, emotional brain, and survival brain.


Split the players into small groups and assign each group one part of the brain (thinking brain, emotional brain, survival brain).


Each group creates a character that represents their assigned brain part. For example, the thinking brain group might create a character called "Professor Think," the emotional brain group might create "Emo Elf," and the survival brain group might create "Guardian Gorilla."


Each character should have specific traits and abilities that reflect the functions of their brain part. The thinking brain character might have abilities like solving puzzles and making plans, the emotional brain character could express a wide range of emotions, and the survival brain character might have survival instincts like detecting danger and responding quickly.


Now it’s time to introduce a scenario where Ezra (or another character) encounters various challenges. For instance, "Ezra is walking through a dense forest and suddenly hears a loud roar in the distance. What will happen next?"


Each group discusses and decides how their character would initially respond to the scenario. The thinking brain might analyze the sound, the emotional brain might react with fear or curiosity, and the survival brain might prepare to fight or flee. Each group acts out or explains their solution.


Now you can describe the outcome based on the group's actions. For example, "With Professor Think's analysis, Emo Elf's bravery, and Guardian Gorilla's preparedness, Ezra carefully approaches the source of the sound and discovers it's a harmless animal."


You can now also introduce different memory bubbles from the poster and asks each group to create a mini-adventure related to their assigned brain part. For instance, how would the thinking brain handle public speaking? How would the emotional brain react to a birthday party?


After each mini-adventure, the groups discuss how their character's traits and actions helped (or didn't help) in the situation. Reflect on the importance of each brain part and how they can support each other. Optionally, switch roles after each mini-adventure.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Explain that understanding the different parts of the brain helps in managing emotions and stress. Emphasize that all brain parts are important and work best when they cooperate. Reinforce the idea that while we can't always control our immediate reactions, we can learn strategies to bring our thinking brain back online. This game encourages creativity, teamwork, and empathy by allowing players to step into the roles of different brain functions.

This game is part of the Trauma-Informed Youth Work toolkit, which is designed to create a safe, supportive environment for all participants by acknowledging the impact of trauma on young people and fostering trust and empowerment. By incorporating activities that use indirect methods to explore emotions and behaviours, the toolkit makes sensitive topics more accessible and less intimidating, especially for younger audiences. The teamwork aspects of these activities foster collaboration and support, aligning with trauma-informed principles. This approach promotes healing, resilience, and positive development in every youth engaged, while emphasizing emotional awareness and understanding.


  • If you have an advanced group, you can let the three groups discuss a combined course of action. How can the thinking brain, emotional brain, and survival brain work together to help Ezra navigate the situation?
  • If the players are comfortable, you can let them share personal examples, linking back to real-life experiences of stress and control.
  • Each group brainstorms and presents tools and strategies that their character could use to calm down when the survival brain takes over. For example, Professor Think might suggest deep breathing exercises, Emo Elf might recommend talking about feelings, and Guardian Gorilla might demonstrate physical activities like running or stretching.

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