City of Relations

A fun and interactive game to address sexuality, the diversity of human relationships and gender stereotypes.

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Voulez-vous voir ce jeu en action? Regarder la vidéo

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Cardboard
  • Coloured pencils
  • Magazines
  • A pair of scissors
  • Glue
  • Velcro tape



Étape 1

Cut out the game board

Cut out or take a big piece of cardboard.


Étape 2

Design a city

Design a city on the game board with different places you can find there (houses, a pharmacy, a school, etc.), roads, etc. Draw them on the game board with coloured pencils and/or cut out pictures from magazines and glue them onto the game board.

You can also watch the 'How to make'-video:


Étape 3

Cut out characters

Cut out people from magazines. Make sure you choose people from all ethnicities, genders, ages,...


Étape 4

Make it stick!

Attach one piece of self-adhesive velcro tape at the back of each cut-out image. On the game board, attach different pieces of self-adhesive velcro tape in different places, e.g. two or three in the house, in the pharmacy, on a road,...

This way, the cut-out images can be stuck to the game board.

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Ask the children to choose one of the places on the panel, e.g. the house.


Then, show them the different cut-out images of people and ask them to choose two (or three, depending on the number of velcro pieces at that particular place) people who can live there. They can stick the chosen images on the panel to visualise it (in this case, in the house).


Talk about the decision that was made:

  • Why did you choose these two (or three) people?
  • What could the relationship between these people be?
  • Which people live in your houses?
  • ...

Then, replace one cut-out character with another, e.g. replacing a woman with a man. Again, ask the children what their relationship could be. This way, you can address topics such as heterosexuality and homosexuality, gender stereotypes, etc. in a playful way.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

  • During the game, it is important to create a safe non-judgemental environment, so children feel at ease to share their opinions about this topic.
  • This game was created during the European Mobile School Exchange in 2017. The game was co-created by Mobile School partners Asociación Navarra Nuevo Futuro, PRAKSIS, Ladies Union of Drama and by Irse Araba and Asociación Enbat.


Role-play: After having chosen the two or three people at a particular place on the panel, e.g. a man and a child talking to a woman at the pharmacy, you can ask the children to role-play that particular situation, to make the game a bit more varied and active.

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