Risky situations - storytelling

Reflect about the risks of and on the streets with this creative panel about children's rights and society.

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A player chooses one situation from the game board and talks about what is happening and what is risky in that specific situation (e.g. a child is being beaten because it didn't make enough money on the street. Father beats with chair and is clearly drunk. Other child witnesses what is happening.) 


After explaining the situation, the other players must find a possible continuation/action to react to the situation on the game board. Possible actions to choose from are:

  • Find help
  • Take action: confrontation or avoidance
  • Be passive, don't act
  • Joker: they can choose themselves 

All the players make a roleplay out of it and discuss the chosen reaction. Topics that you can talk about in the discussion are: Shelter, love, freedom, money, clothes, school, safety, friendship, health, food. 


Repeat with another situation of the game board. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Discussion board with 137 situations, both positive/neutral and risky. The game board is divided in different areas: apartment building, city centre, factory, train station, refugee center, school, border post, beach and harbor, village and the underground (metro and mine area). 

For StreetSmart Wheels partners, the code of the poster is SOCIETY-A4


  • Play a situation and the players guess which situation it is. Then play a consequence or a reaction, the players guess again.
  • Play a situation, freeze when it's getting negative. The players look for a positive solution.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Talk about risky situations and their daily reality.
  • Learn how to react when being confronted with risky situations.
  • Learn about how to avoid risky situations.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Sander Degeling

Partnership Coordinator Africa & Asia StreetwiZe • Mobile School BE

22 août, 2019


This panel is full of situations street-connected children are confronted with on a daily basis... The storytelling methodology is a fun, creative and accessible way to reflect with the children about risks they face on the streets and how to deal with them.

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