Say Hi!

Do you know that in every land people say “Hi” in different ways?

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A step-by-step guide to play the game


All participants gather in a circle.


The facilitator introduces the game by sharing a specific way of saying "Hi" and a gesture or movement with the players.


The players then start walking around, greeting each other by saying "Hi" in the manner shared by the facilitator and using the accompanying gesture.


When they return to the circle, the facilitator invites the players to propose a new way to say "Hi." Participants can suggest their own language or cultural variations.


Continue playing the game for as long as the players wish.


Finally, initiate a discussion about the right to development (see additional game info).

Extra game information

Additional questions:

  • What does the right to develop means? 
  • Do we have the right to speak our language? 
  • Do we have the right to follow and enjoy our culture? 
  • How can the government (organizations etc) protect this right?  

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to development.

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