Parliament Parade

Join the Parade and Speak Your Mind! March around with your friends, spin the wheel to decide the topic, and form a parliament to make a decision.

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Everything you need to play this game

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Gather the players in a circle and explain that they will be forming a parade and marching around the room.


Start playing music and lead the parade by marching at the front.


Encourage the players to march in a line and follow the leader.


Randomly stop the music at some point and instruct the players to quickly form a parliament by finding a seat in the designated area.


Spin the wheel of the “Let’s debate”-poster to determine the topic of discussion.


Once the topic has been determined, allow the players to discuss and share their thoughts on the topic.


After a few minutes of discussion, resume the parade by starting the music again and continuing the game as before.


The game ends when all topics are talked about.

Extra game information

  • Encourage the players to listen to and respect each other's opinions during the parliamentary discussion.
  • Make sure the seating area for the parliament is clearly designated and has enough seats for all the players.

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