The Blind Sculptor

Put your sense of touch to the test during this fun trust game.

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Everything you need to play this game

  • A blindfold

A step-by-step guide to play the game


Divide the players into groups of 3.


One player from each group will be the blind sculptor. He is blindfolded. Another player from the group will be the statue.


The player playing the statue will now position himself in a crazy position, making sure he can hold that position for a while.


Then, the sculptor needs to figure out what the statue looks like, by using his hands.


The sculptor needs to try and position the remaining player from his team in exactly the same position as the original statue.


When the sculptor says he is finished, he can take off his blindfold and check out his work.

Extra game information


  • This game can also be played in pairs. Instead of positioning another player in the same position as the statue, the sculptor tries to position himself in the same position.
  • You can turn the game into a competition as well, by giving points to the groups that copied the original statues the best.

Specific learning objectives

  • Sensory perception
  • Trust-building

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