COVID-19 PACKAGE - Business • Emotional reactions

How to react to and cope with sudden economic disruption? Start up a discussion with your target group with the help of this business discussion panel

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Gather a group of four players in front of the panel and give them the time to explore the images. The images are linked to the basic emotions and adapted to a business context.


Now, ask a player to identify him- or herself with one of the characters on the panel. Ask the player to motivate why he/she chooses a specific situation.


After all the players have identified themselves with a situation, ask additional work-related questions to continue the discussion. Ask questions like:

  • Which businesses were most affected by the pandemic? Which businesses are still going strong?
  • How did you feel about your business? Were you disappointed, happy with your profits?
  • What are essential products/services to sell during a pandemic? How can you guarantee you can still make a living?

The activity ends when all the players have discussed their personal situation.

Información extra del juego

This activity is a part of the COVID-19 package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools to discuss the consequences of the pandemic with their target group. The COVID-19 overview panel is the starting point for all the discussions. After playing the overview panel, extra activities on the seven different topics are available to dive deeper into the matter. 

The panel shows four different work-related situations, based on the basic emotions people have. The situations on the panel are the following:

  1. Street vendor is happy to sell oranges to customers
  2. Street vendor is sad because his neighbor is able to give discount on products
  3. Street vendor is angry because someone is stealing his bananas
  4. Street vendor is afraid because a customer is not satisfied with the product?

The COVID-19 crisis impacts on both the demand and the supply sides of the labour market, and it has major implications for the goal of ensuring full employment and decent work. In particular, the crisis is pushing many families into poverty and increasing existing inequalities. Therefore, the business panels are the perfect tool to reflect on the consequences with your target group.


  • Lessons and words learned: ask the players if they have learn some new work-related words during the pandemic. Additionally, you can ask what the main lessons were they have learned during the unusual time.
  • Roleplay: ask the children to act out a work-related situation they have witnessed during the pandemic.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learn how to express emotions
  • Learn how to be resilient in times of economic disruption
  • Learn how to look for opportunities when the going gets tough

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