COVID-19 PACKAGE - Basic Needs • Impact on age groups

How does the COVID-19 virus affects the different age groups in society? Study the development stages, train empathy and reflect on the virus' impact.

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Take a couple of minutes to look at the different developmental stages on the panel, going from being a foetus in the womb until death and everything in between.


After having identified the different stages, each group of players will get a specific age group (for example: toddlers, adolescents, babies, adults ...)


Then, ask every group of players to reflect on the impact of the COVID-19 virus on the specific age groups. Ask questions like:

  • How does COVID-19 influences the lives of older people/toddlers/adolescents?


Every group presents their findings to all the participants. Add relevant things or ask questions if necessary. Also reflect on what can be done to overcome certain challenges that arise from the discussion. Through the exercise, children learn and train empathy with other groups in society.

Información extra del juego

This activity is a part of the COVID-19 package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools to discuss the consequences of the pandemic with their target group. The COVID-19 overview panel is the starting point for all the discussions. After playing the overview panel, extra activities on the seven different topics are available to dive deeper into the matter. 

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