Drug Use Consequences

The perfect starting point to initiate a conversation on different kinds of drugs, drug abuse and its consequences.

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Take a look at the four central characters on the panel. Ask the group of participants what they see and how the characters react? (see additional game information for detailed information)


Then, turn to the different kinds of drugs depicted around the central characters. Ask questions like:

  • Which drugs do you recognize?
  • Have you ever seen some of these before?
  • Have you ever used some of these before?

Ask one of the participants to link one of the types of drugs to one or more of the reactions of the central characters (stimulants, narcotic/psychedelic, depressant, no reaction). Allow the participants to discuss and ask additional questions if needed. Continue until all the different kinds of drugs are discussed.


Additionally, use the four corners of the panel to have a discussion on the consequences of drug use on health, finances, legal situation and social situation. Ask open questions like:

  • How does drug abuse has an effect on your relationship with your family/friends?
  • How does drug use influence your financial situation? How much money do you spend on drugs?
  • What are the legal consequences of drug use? Have you ever been in contact with the police?
  • What are the health consequences of the different types of drugs? How can you avoid them?

Información extra del juego

The overview panel on drugs consists of three different parts.

1.The characters in the middle (reactions)

The four characters in the middle of the panel depict the different reactions one can have on taking drugs. The reactions are: stimulant, narcotic, hallucinogen or no reaction.

2. The 13 different kinds of drugs

Around the circle, 13 different types of drugs are depicted. The different drugs are:

  1. Alcohol
  2. Cannabis
  3. Cocaine
  4. Crack
  5. Heroin
  6. Ketamine and morphine
  7. Jet fuel (PCP)
  8. Glue
  9. Nicotine (cigarettes)
  10. XTC
  11. LSD
  12. Magic mushrooms
  13. Plants: khat

Please note that different kinds of drugs can have different reactions, and that small or larger doses can trigger a more powerful reaction.

3. The four corners: consequences

In the four corners, one can find four different symbols, which refer to the consequences of drug use on health, finances, legal situation and social life. The four symbols allow you to also open up the discussion to the consequences of drugs use on daily life.


Drawing: draw a picture of somebody who is using drugs. Include the context of the character. Then, make a second drawing of the same person when he is not using drugs. What are the differences between the two drawings?

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learn about the different types of drugs
  • Learn about the consequences of drug abuse

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