Which senses do we use?

Explore the different human senses by using this accessible rotation disc.

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Paso 1

Make an arrow

Cut out an arrow from a piece of paper or cardboard.


Paso 2

Attach the arrow

Attach the arrow to the printed out game board with a split pin.

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Player 1 spins the arrow and ends up on one of the 11 depicted situations (see extra game information).


Ask player 1 if he/she can tell which sense you use in this specific situation.


Continue the game until all the eleven situation are discussed.


Optionally: continue the discussion about the five human senses. Suggested questions:

  • What are the different senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste and touch)?
  • When do you use your senses?
  • Do you need them all?
  • Why do we need them?
  • Do you sometimes use them at the same time?

Información extra del juego

The game board depicts 11 situations:

  1. Listen to the radio
  2. Flower smell
  3. Eat pizza
  4. Watch TV
  5. Give a hug
  6. Being blindfolded
  7. Read a book
  8. Have a drink
  9. Garbage bin
  10. Listening to music through headphones
  11. A plate of rotten food
  • StreetSmart Wheels partners can attach the rotation disc to this game board, so players can play the game on their own and immediately see the correct answer.


Play short games about the senses:


  • A player is blindfolded and tries to walk between two lines.


  • A player is blindfolded and needs to smell something (e.g. flowers, food, leaves, …). The player guesses what he is smelling.
  • A player eats something without smelling (nose closed). Ask him to identify what he just ate.
  • Discuss with the players that smell can warn you in some cases (e.g. rotten food stinks and is no longer safe to eat).


  • The players taste different kind of foods: something salty, bitter, sweet, sour, … Optionally, you can blindfold them.


  • The players close their ears. Say something very quietly and let them guess what you have said.


  • Blindfold a player and let him touch something/someone. Let him guess what he is touching.

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