Different Abilities, Equal Rights: exploring disabilities and disorders with duty-bearers

Let duty-bearers reflect on their experiences & use of tools related to children's rights to development in the context of disabilities and disorders.

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Gather a group of duty-bearers around the "Disabilities and disorders" panel.


Let them choose a topic in the corners of the panel (education, family, play, health care).


Have them talk about an experience on this topic (in general), related to rights to development. Ask them how they worked on those rights in this situation/experience.


Now pick a specific assistive tool in the pink circle. Ask them some reflection questions about people using this tool that they may have come across in their activities/interventions/experiences they have just shared. See 'Additional game information' for some sample questions.

Información extra del juego

Tools on the poster: wheelchair, wheelchair ramp for building access, blind cane + sunglasses, assistance/therapy dog, medicines, Braille book, speech computer/tablet, hearing aid, sign language, tricycle, glasses/magnifier, leg/arm prosthesis, couch/support.

Possibile reflection questions
  • Have you already come across a person using this tool in the mentioned situation or in other activities/interventions?
  • What barriers would a person using this tool experience in the situation mentioned?
  • How would you support a child using this tool in the situation?
  • What developmental rights are being protected or violated in this particular situation? What role does the tool used play in the violation or protection of the developmental right(s)?
  • ...

The 'Different Abilities, Equal Rights' poster is one of the two posters on the right to development. In the middle of the poster, four main characters - including Amir, one of the secondary characters in the stories of the five characters - are depicted. The green and red rectangles below the main character allow players to talk about barriers and how to make (public) spaces accessible for people with a disability. Around the main characters, one can see 13 circles with devices/tools which can support people with disabilities or disorders. In the four corners, icons are drawn to allow players to discuss the impact of disabilities and disorders on: education, health care, friends/family and play.

This game has been specially created to work with duty-bearers on the theme of children's rights.

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