Detalles del juego
¿Ve algún contenido ofensivo? ¿Sospecha una violación de la propiedad intelectual? No lo dude e infórmenos. Necesitamos su apoyo para mantener esta plataforma segura y fiable. Nuestro personal de StreetSmart revisará todos los juegos y usuarios denunciados dos veces por semana y evaluará si violan nuestros términos y condiciones.
Este es el texto original en inglés.
Regrese a la traducción español.
¿Desea ver este juego en acción? Ver el video
Place both educational posters next to each other.
As a group, decide which value you want to explore first: Live, Love or Unite. The value ‘Live’ encourages each person to be and express your unique self. The value ‘Love’ emphasises loving and respecting each other and the planet. The value ‘Unite’ focuses on bringing people from different cultures together.
Start by scanning the QR-code of the main ambassador DJ featured on the left side of the poster and watch their introductory video about the chosen value.
Move to the right side of the poster, scan the QR-code of the character and watch their video. After watching, find the character on the festival poster. Write down the corresponding number in the appropriate square.
To dive deeper into the value, each player chooses a green island, identifies up to three situations that they think best represent the value and writes down the numbers of these situations in the squares. Discuss the choices as a group.
Continue downwards, scanning the next QR-code of the character to receive further instructions.
Scan the QR-code of the first DJ who will present a challenge related to the value. Complete the challenge and mark it as complete within the square at the bottom with a checkmark. Proceed with the challenges from the next two DJs.
After completing all challenges under a value, have a group discussion about what they learned and how it applies to their daily lives.
If desired, continue exploring another column with a new value.
If the QR code doesn't scan or you don't have access to a mobile device, use the video transcripts available in the ‘Materials’ section to read or explain the content to the players. Brief descriptions of each challenge for the values ‘Live,’ ‘Love,’ and ‘Unite’ are provided below as well:
For the value ‘Live’ (from left to right):
For the value ‘Love’ (from left to right):
For the value ‘Unite’ (from left to right):
The participating Tomorrowland DJs, listed from left to right and top to bottom, are:
The Live Love Unite Game Board is part of the Live Love Unite toolkit, developed collaboratively by the Tomorrowland Foundation and StreetSmart in 2024. This partnership aimed to create an educational toolkit to help vulnerable children explore music, festivals, and DJs through engaging and accessible learning materials.
Si ha jugado este juego, por favor ayude a informar a otras personas haciendo una reseña.
No lo dude, comparta sus comentarios y ayude a otros a elegir los juegos correctos. Cuéntenos cómo fue y cómo reaccionaron los niños, ¿O tiene algún consejo para otros jugadores, una variación divertida, una posible mejora?
Inicie sesiónoregistropara agregar sus comentarios
Apreciamos mucho su esfuerzo por escribir la reseña.
Detalles del juego
Detalles del juego
Detalles del juego
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