
Improve your problem-solving and logical thinking skills by playing this strategic board game.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Set up the chess board.


The player with the white pieces begins the game by moving any piece as described on the panel.


Then it's black's turn to move. From now on, the players take turns moving during the rest of the game.


The players capture an opponent's piece by moving one of their pieces into a square occupied by that piece. The captured piece is then permanently removed from the game.


The game continues, with each player moving one piece per turn until the game ends. Making a move is compulsory, a player cannot skip a turn.


The game ends when a king is checkmated or a draw occurs.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

A chessboard consists of 64 square spaces in an 8x8 grid, switching between white and black. Each piece has a specific name and specific move capabilities. How each piece can move, you see on the panel.


To win, you must "checkmate" your opponent's king. This means forcing the opposing king into a position where he will be captured no matter what, so that he cannot move out of checkmate, and no other piece can protect him.

A secondary goal is to capture as many of your opponent's pieces as possible. This serves to weaken your opponent and make a checkmate easier for you. You capture pieces by landing on the squares they occupy.

While attacking opposing pieces, you must simultaneously protect your own king so he doesn't get captured.


Draws can occur in five ways:

  • Stalemate: The player whose turn it is to move is not in check but cannot perform a permitted move with the king or any other piece. This typically occurs when the king is the only piece left and cannot move without placing himself in check, which is not permitted.
  • Insufficient material: The pieces left on the board cannot force a checkmate on either side, so that neither player can win.
  • Threefold repetition: The position of all pieces on the board has occurred three different times (e.g.: when both players do nothing but move their pieces back and forth).
  • Fifty-move rule: At least fifty moves for each player have occurred since the last time any piece was captured or any pawn was moved. (In this case, notating both players' moves would prove helpful.)
  • Agreement: Both players simply agree to a draw.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Develop strategic thinking skills.
  • Learn to think ahead.
  • Learn patience.

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