
Try to capture your opponent's pieces through strategic thinking with this classic board game.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Determine who will have the first turn (based on who won the last game, a coin toss, or by any other method). That player will take the black checkers, the other player will take the white.


Set up the board. On the panel you can see where you have to place the bottle caps or "checkers" (white and black dots). Each player begins the game with 12 checkers placed in the three rows closest to him.


The objective of the game is for a player to capture all of his opponent’s checkers or to position his pieces so that his opponent has no available moves.


The players jump and capture their opponent's checkers. They cannot jump their own pieces. Once a player captures a checker, he can take it off the board (e.g.: first image on the bottom left). Remember that the players may only move their checkers forwards diagonally on the dark squares and that a space on the other side of the opponent’s checker has to be empty to be able to move into it.


If a player has the opportunity to jump his opponent's checker, he has to take it. After making one jump, a player's checker might have another jump available from its new position. He must take that jump too and continue to jump until there are no more jumps available (e.g.: other images on the bottom of the panel). If more than one of a player's checkers has a jump available, he may decide which checker he will move, but once he has chosen one, it must take all the jumps it can.


When a player's checkers has reached the opposite side of the board, it is crowned and becomes a King. The player's turn ends there.


The players keep jumping and capturing their opponent's checkers until all checkers are removed from the board.


The player able to capture all of his opponent's checkers wins the game!

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The panel is made up of 64 alternating dark and light squares which appear in 8 rows of 8. There are 32 light squares and 32 dark squares. Only the dark coloured squares are used in play.


  • A king can move forwards and backwards, so it's easier for king checkers to capture the opponent's checkers.
  • A king can be captured the same way as a normal checkers.
  • A king does not have to jump an opponent's piece if it is possible.


The game can end in four different ways:

  1. If a player has lost all his pieces, he loses.
  2. If a player cannot move at all, because all his pieces are blocked, he loses.
  3. If the exact same board state has come up three times without any piece killed in between, the game ends in a draw, to avoid a situation with just two pieces left moving around and never being able to kill each other.
  4. If there have been 100 moves (50 for each player) with no piece killed, the game ends in a draw.


International Checkers: The main difference with regular Checkers is in the mobility of the kings. In international Checkers, kings (sometimes called "flying kings") move any distance along unblocked diagonals, and may capture an opposing piece any distance away by jumping to any of the unoccupied squares immediately beyond it. Also, the simple men can take backwards as well as forwards.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Develop strategic thinking skills.
  • Learn to think ahead.
  • Learn patience.

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