
Combine the battle ship game with a variety of other games during this fun team competition.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Cardboard
  • Coloured pens or pencils
  • Coloured paper
  • 42 bottle caps
  • Scissors
  • Glue



Étape 1

Create the game board

Create 2 identical game boards:

  • Draw 2 battle ship fields of 3 squares by 3.
  • Write 1, 2, 3 above the upper squares and A, B, C next to the squares on the left-hand side.
  • Underneath the 2 battle ship fields, draw 9 squares and number them from 1 to 9. This will be the scoreboard.
  • Next to the battle ship fields, create a yellow, green and blue square with coloured paper or pencils to indicate the different types of exercises.
  • Yellow stands for physical exercise. Write down physical exercises the players can do, such as: thumb or arm wrestling, Twister, skipping rope,...
  • Green stands for team exercises. Write down team exercises the players can do, such as: a relay race, building a human pyramid, ...
  • Blue stands for logical thinking. Write down logical thinking exercises the players can do, such as: 4 in a row, chess, ...

Étape 2

Colour the bottle caps
  • Colour 2 bottle caps yellow (1 for each team)
  • Colour 2 bottle caps green (1 for each team)
  • Colour 2 bottle caps blue (1 for each team)
  • Colour 6 bottle caps red (3 for each team)
  • Leave 14 bottle caps white (7 for each team)
Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Both teams (or players) place their 3 boats (a yellow, blue and green bottle cap) on their battle ship field (the upper battle ship field on the game board).


Team 1 tries to hit a boat of the other team by naming a number (from 1 to 3) and a letter (from A to C), e.g.: A1.


If they do not hit a boat of team 2, they put a white bottle cap on the A1 square of the lower battle ship field, indicating a "miss".


If they do hit a boat of team 2, they put a red bottle cap on the A1 square of the the lower battle ship field, indicating a "hit". For every hit, 1 point is earned.


Team 2 has to say whether the yellow, green or blue team was hit. Team 1 can then choose one of the exercises on the square of the corresponding colour.

E.g.: If a yellow square was hit, they can choose one of the physical exercises mentioned on the panel to play against the other team.

The winning player or team, earns 1 point.


Then, team 2 tries to hit one of team 1's boats etc.

The score is kept by moving a bottle cap on the scoreboard at the bottom of the game board.


The team that scores 9 points first, wins the game!


  • Create a bigger battle ship field to make the game more difficult.
  • Vary the game by coming up with new types of exercises.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

Mobile School NPO

Mobile School NPO BE

28 août, 2019


Best game ever ;-)

Soyez le premier à rédiger un avis

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