Battle for Talent

Gather as quickly as possible all talents needed to practice your profession.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Each player choses a profession and has a look at the tabel to check which skills are needed to successfully practice this profession.


The player writes his name next to the chosen profession.


After this, the players take place in a circle around a plastic bottle. It's also possible to place the bottle further away. (Five or more players… use two bottles.)


Before the game starts, they agree a time to play the game.


The street educators turns the wheel with skills. When the wheel stops spinning, the arrow will point towards a skill.


The players who thinks this skill is needed for their profession, needs to grab the bottle as quickly as possible. The player who is able to grab the bottle first, has to explain why he needs that skill. If it's a good explanation, he can put a bottle cap on this skill on the panel. But if a player grabs the bottle and he can't explain why he needs this skill, he has to take a bottle cap that he already won.


When the agreed time is over, the player with the most bottle caps wins the game!

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Add one arrow to the Rota.

Add arrows to the Rota according the number of players (3 arrows if up to 4 players, 2 arrows if 5 or more players).

We propose some professions, according to possibilities of the children. You can always add other professions.

  • driver
  • top sport player
  • hairdresser
  • doctor
  • teacher
  • handyman
  • musician
  • clerk
  • police officer
  • waiter


Clusters of similar skills

  • entrepreneurship, persistence, perseverance
  • basic languages, basic calculating/reading-certificate
  • physical power, leniency, powerfulness, body posture
  • flexibility, punctuality, being on time, complete a task on time, achieve a deadline
  • carefulness, helping, listening
  • being hygienic, working hygienic
  • creativity, handiness, imagination, having a lot of ideas/being innovative
  • social contact, communication, stand up for yourself/the other, assertive, politeness, admitting mistakes
  • stress resistant, being patient, relativating, optimism
  • leadership, dividing tasks, talking in front of a group, responsibility
  • independency, cooperating

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