Different Abilities, Equal Rights: we are all the same!

Despite the differences, we all have something in common! Talk about differences and similarities with this discussion poster.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Choose a character in the centre of the poster or think of someone with a disability or disorder.


Describe your character in general terms to the group.


Now find three similarities of your character to yourself.


Make sure each player in the group has found at least three similarities with one character.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The 'Different Abilities, Equal Rights' poster is one of the two posters on the right to development. In the middle of the poster, four main characters - including Amir, one of the secondary characters in the stories of the five characters - are depicted. The green and red rectangles below the main character allow players to talk about barriers and how to make (public) spaces accessible for people with a disability. Around the main characters, one can see 13 circles with devices/tools which can support people with disabilities or disorders. In the four corners, icons are drawn to allow players to discuss the impact of disabilities and disorders on: education, health care, friends/family and play.


Feel free to include the four dimensions in the four corners of the panel to the discussion by asking to find similarities with the characters in education, health care, friends/family and play.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learning about disabilities and disorders.
  • Learn to create an open and welcoming environment for people with disabilities and disorders.

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