Let's Debate: In several rounds

Have duty-bearers think about specific discussion topics in several rounds of discussions.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a group of duty-bearers around the poster "Debate time!".


One of the duty-bearers turns the rotation disk to determine the topic of discussion.


Several rounds of discussion can be done:

(a) Let the duty-bearers give their own opinion on the topic and open the discussion with each other.

(b) Let the duty-bearers determine how they - as duty bearers - can be involved in this topic for children and youngsters. Have they already helped/supported children and youngsters in such situations? Or have they hindered them?

(c) Get them to think about how children would feel about duty-bearers in this situation.

(d) ...

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The topics: 

(1) Rainbow flag (LGBTQI+) - (2) Social media - (3) Multicultural community - (4) Religion - (5) Vegetarian food - (6) Means of transportation - (7) Alcohol/smoking - (8) Elections/voting - (9) Weapons - (10) Robots - (11) Gender - (12) Question mark (own topic)

Tips for the youth worker to facilitate peaceful debate: establish a code of conduct with the players at the beginning of the game. A code of conduct is a "document" that lists the expected behaviours of all members of a group, and the behaviours that are unacceptable when interacting with each other.

You can draft a code of conduct together with the children/young people, and do this at the beginning of the game. Take a large piece of paper and pens and have the players think about rules they think are important in a group discussion. These rules are created by them, resulting in more loyalty towards them. Have them sign the code of conduct.

This game has been specially created to work with duty-bearers on the theme of children's rights.

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