I See, I Imagine, I Feel

Explore what you see, think, and feel, helping you make friends and understand yourself better!

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Set up the players in two concentric circles, with one circle facing the other. Ensure that each circle has an equal number of players so that each person in the outer circle faces someone in the inner circle.


The idea of the game is to engage in a dialogue with the player you are facing by observing, imagining, and expressing feelings based on what you see in your partner.


You will take turns making statements starting with "I see," "I imagine," and "I feel" about their partner, focusing on visible, tangible details such as clothing, features, or body language.


The players in the outer circle make their statements to their partners in the inner circle. Encourage the players to observe and describe details accurately and respectfully, e.g. "I see you wear an orange sweater, I imagine you are warm in that sweater, I feel you are nervous while I'm observing you."


Now it's time to rotate. Player B can now make his statements about Player A.


After each pair has completed their statements, instruct the outer circle to move one person to the left, creating new pairs with individuals in the inner circle.


Repeat the process of making observations and statements until all members of the outer circle have interacted with everyone in the inner circle.


Conclude the activity with a group discussion about the experience. Encourage the players to share their thoughts and feelings about being observed and observing others. Discuss topics such as similarities and differences in observations, the role of imagination in perception, and the connection between external stimuli and internal emotions.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

When using “I see”, you state only noticing sensory observations: something you could see, hear, or feel physically, …, of the other, you, or the world. It is easiest to stay with sensations that a camera could also capture (seeing, hearing), but you can extend that to tactile sensations, temperature etc.

When using “I imagine”, you state the interpretation you might have about the other, yourself, or the world. This interpretation might be the other person’s truth, it might not even turn out to be your truth, so it makes sense to state it with some uncertainty.

When using “I feel”, you share emotions inside you. Just the emotion, it does not need to make sense or be related to what was just observed or imagined.

Here's a list of potential questions for the facilitator to use during the final discussion:

  • How did it feel to be observed and to observe others in the this exercise of reflective dialogue circles?
  • Were there any common observations made by multiple participants about the same person? What do you think influenced these similarities?
  • Did you notice any differences in what different people imagined or felt based on the same observation? What factors might have contributed to these differences?
  • Reflecting on the activity, do you believe that the same thing seen by different people can evoke different emotions? Why or why not?
  • How do you think our perceptions and emotions are influenced by both external stimuli and our internal thoughts and imaginations?
  • Were there any surprises or insights you gained from participating in this activity? If so, what were they?
  • How might this activity help improve your communication and empathy skills in your interactions with others outside of this group?
  • What strategies can you take away from this activity to enhance your ability to observe, imagine, and express feelings in everyday situations?
  • In what ways did this activity deepen your understanding of the importance of perspective-taking and empathy in building connections with others?
  • How might you apply the lessons learned from this activity to navigate conflicts or misunderstandings in your personal or professional relationships?

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


If the group is small or the room layout doesn't allow for concentric circles, the players can move freely around the room until the facilitator calls out "Stop." At that point, they will pair up with the person closest to them to begin the reflective dialogue.

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