Map of Latin America

Become a globetrotter! Explore the beautiful continent of Latin America and learn more about different countries and their characteristics.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather about four children in front of the map and observe the drawings.


One of the players is the traveller. Give this player the task to enact - without using words, or by only using an unintelligible language - specific characteristics of the country he is currently visiting.


The other players try to guess in which country the player is travelling. Discuss the specific characteristics of the country (capital, population, culture, national dishes, top things to see...) The player who can guess the answer, can go next.


The game ends when you finished your tour of Latin America or when all the players have enacted a specific country.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The map shows us the continent of Latin America with illustrations representing the geographic relief, culture,

fauna and flora and activities in certain countries. The creative and playful approach of the map explains why

it is not completely precise from a scientific point of view. The panel can help children and adolescents to

talk about what they see. The panel’s objective is to broaden their world view and situate themselves in the



  • Pictionary: a player draws or copies a contour or a figure, and the other player says or indicates where it is situated.
  • I spy with my little eye...: the educator mentions a figure, a country or a continent and the player indicates as quickly as possible where it is situated on the map.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Locate where countries are situated with regard to other countries
  • Enumerate some stereotypes about each country

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