Diseases • Obstacle Quiz

Complete an obstacle course while boosting your knowledge on diseases such as malaria, tetanus and HIV/AIDS with this active health activity.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Divide a paper or blackboard in three columns. Invite the group of players to share everything they know about malaria, tetanus and AIDS. They can use the storyline as inspiration.


Write down all the important aspects on the board or paper. Add missing information if necessary. Make sure to talk about:

  • Risks
  • Symptoms
  • Consequences
  • Treatment

After the discussion, make a short obstacle course with objects you can find on-site. The course should take about 1-2 min to complete.


Divide the children in pairs. Give a word to one of the pairs that links specifically to one of the above mentioned diseases. For example: mosquito (malaria).


Now, one of the two players will talk non-stop about the disease (malaria) without mentioning the word (mosquito). Meanwhile his/her colleague starts the obstacle course.


The pair wins a point if the second player has completed the obstacle course AND if the first player succeeds in talking about the disease without mentioning the taboo word (mosquito).


The game ends when all the players completed the obstacle course at least once, or when a team has won 3 points!

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The board shows three comic strips about three major diseases: malaria, tetanus and AIDS. The different drawings indicate what the risks are of getting the diseases, which symptoms and consequences can occur, in order to talk about how to treat or prevent them.


Charades-game: enact some aspects of malaria, tetanus or AIDS. For example: fever, a mosquito that bites, throwing away a condom, ... The audience tries to guess to which disease the action is linked and tries to suggest a proper treatment if possible. 

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

• Be informed about specific diseases

• Reflect on the severity of particular diseases and the importance of trying to avoid or treat them properly.

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