Advertising Children's Rights

Players develop a TV advertisement for children's rights.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

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Divide the players into groups of three or four. Explain that their group has been asked to advertise children's rights. They will create a

advertisement for television (1-3 minutes) that raises people's awareness and/or understanding of a particular child right.

  1. Ask the players to describe some advertisements on TV that have caught their attention. Brainstorm on characteristics of good commercials (e.g. clever phrases, sound effects, music, humour, serious message).
  2. Discuss which target groups to reach in society (e.g. children, parents, teachers, the general public ...).
  3. Hand out the poster with the different children's rights and have them read and look at the pictures. Ask them which rights they think are important and let them think about which ones they would like to advertise.

Tell the players to choose a right they want to advertise with their group and let them choose an audience. Encourage them to choose a right they think people really need to know and the audience that really needs to know this right.


Ask someone from each group to announce their right to you and which audience they have chosen.


Once the groups have chosen a right, they should develop an idea to advertise it. Encourage them to think of different ways to present the right (e.g. a story they perform, a song they sing, a cartoon they draw the storyboard for). Remind them that this will be a video for TV, so it should be visually interesting and contain action. It should not be too complex to be presented in less than three minutes.


Go around between groups to check their progress. Once a group finishes their ad, ask them to title it and start practising.

Perform and evaluate:
  1. Ask each group to present their ad to each other.
  2. When all groups have shown their idea, the others can give them feedback (see additional game information).
  3. Start a group discussion about the exercise.

Información extra del juego

Feedback questions:  
  • Will this idea appeal to the chosen audience?
  • Will the audience understand what justice they are trying to present?
  • What do you like about the group's commercial?
  • Can you make suggestions for improvement?


Debriefing and Evaluation: 


Relate the activity to children's rights and ask questions such as:

  • Why did your group choose that specific right?
  • Why did you choose that specific audience?
  • What kind of reaction or action do you think your ad would cause?
  • Is a TV ad a good way to send people a message about human rights? Why or why not?
  • Did your advertisement relate to rights other than the one you targeted?
  • Can a right stand alone or is it always connected to other rights?
  • Can you think of rights that are difficult to advertise or portray?
  • Are there characters who represent stereotypes? If so, does that have a negative effect? Why or why not?
  • Why is it important for people to know their rights?
  • Who needs education about children's human rights?

Tips for the facilitator:
  • This activity requires familiarity with children's rights. If necessary, you can start by brainstorming about children's rights to determine how much the players know about them.
  • This is a complex activity that can challenge the children to use new skills (e.g. writing dialogue or songs, developing a story board). The facilitator should closely monitor the children's progress and help them stay on track.
  • Some groups will go through the process faster than others. When a group has completed a task, instruct them individually on the next step. Give them enough time to practice.


  • If possible, make the videos of these advertisements!
  • Perform the stories as if they were being filmed.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learning about TV advertising, its purposes and audience.
  • Learning about children’s rights.
  • Learning how to make people aware of certain rights.
  • Learning how to give and receive constructive feedback

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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¿Ha jugado el juego Advertising Children's Rights?

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¡Gracias por darnos su opinión sobre Advertising Children's Rights!

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