Who Can Take The Last Piece?

Who is the luckiest player to be able to take the last piece of the apple?

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • apple
  • plate
  • knife
  • fork
  • Dress-up clothes (scarve, hat, pants, dress...)
  • Dice

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather the players in a circle.  


In the middle of the circle lay the clothes (e.g. coat, scarf, skirt, hat, etc.) and a plate with an apple, a fork and a knife.


One player starts by throwing a die. If this player rolls a six, he/she may walk to the middle, put on the dress-up clothes and cut into the apple with knife and fork, if he/she manages to cut off a piece, this person may eat it.


The die remains mean in the circle and the other children keep throwing. If someone throws another six, that person gets to go to the middle. The previous player must immediately stop eating and take off their dress-up clothes and sit in their place.


The winner of the game is the player who can eat the last piece of the apple.


After the game, you can link the exercise to the right to survive by starting a discussion (see additional game information).

Información extra del juego

Discussion questions
  • Do you think everyone has equal access to healthy food?
  • Do you think everyone has equal access to clothing?
  • Why would this be the case?
  • Where can people ask for help if they don't have the resources for food and/or clothing?
  • What are other basic needs for survival?
  • How do you think society should ensure that everyone has access to their basic needs?
  • What can we do to ensure that everyone has access to healthy food and clothing?
  • Did you or someone you know struggle to access basic needs such as food and clothing? How did you or she cope with that?
  • How does access to basic needs affect someone's overall quality of life?
  • ...

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to survival.

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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