Risky Situations - Safe and Unsafe Spaces

Identify the different safe and unsafe spaces by using the detailed risky situations panel.

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Print the Risky Situations panel and gather a group of 4 - 10 players to start the game.


Ask one of the players to come forward and to choose a situation on the panel. The player will act out the chosen situation. The players try to identify the situation on the panel.


Once the situation is identified, ask the group if the situation is perceived as positive or negative. Write down the answers on the blackboard or a paper. (For example: fight in the apartment building). Discuss with the group if they think the environment is a safe space or an unsafe space. You can ask questions like:

  • Why is this a safe/unsafe space for you?
  • What needs to be done to turn this space into a safe space?
  • What are the risks? What are the positive aspects of this space?

The activity ends when every player acted out at least one situation on the panel.

Información extra del juego

The Risky Situations panel is a discussion game board with 137 situations, both positive/neutral and risky. The game board is divided in different areas: apartment building, city centre, factory, train station, refugee center, school, border post, beach and harbor, village and the underground (metro and mine area). 


  • Players draw the situations depicted on the panel, instead of acting them out.
  • After acting out a situation, ask the child to act out the same situation with a different outcome (positive becomes negative and vice versa).

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