COVID-19 PACKAGE - Basic Needs • Impact on children's rights

How does a pandemic impact children's rights? To solve the question, simply use the children's rights poster to reflect on the different consequences.

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First, familiarize the group with the symbols around the panel which represent the children's rights and the different dimensions in children's rights (see additional game information).


Ask the players if they can find a situation where the right is respected, and if they find another situation where the right is violated.


Then, make pairs. Ask each pair of children on which 3 children's rights a pandemic has the most impact. Ask why they think so? Give an example and link back to the panel to find more examples.


The activity ends when all the groups have given their top 3 and when all the children's rights are discussed. Don't forget to also ask the children how these rights can be respected in times of a pandemic. In other words: what can be done to guarantee children's rights even during challenging times? Write down the findings!

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This activity is a part of the COVID-19 package. The package aims to give youth workers the tools to discuss the consequences of the pandemic with their target group. The COVID-19 overview panel is the starting point for all the discussions. After playing the overview panel, extra activities on the seven different topics are available to dive deeper into the matter. 


  • Roleplay: act out one children's right that is often not respected during the pandemic. The other players have to guess. Then, another player will act out another children's right. Ask the kids to share why they have chosen this right.
  • Right to basic needs: focus more on the impact of the pandemic on basic needs. Discuss with the kids if they still have access to all basic needs: food, clothing, shelter? Is there a difference before and during the pandemic? How? What should be done to make sure children have access to basic needs at all time?
  • Tell something unique: what have you done during the lockdown, linked to the children's rights? Ask the group to line up. Then ask to share something unique about themselves, something they have done during the past pandemic linked to a specific children's right. For example: right to healthcare: I have made face masks with my friends to distribute to people in my community... If no one else of the group has done this, you can do one step forward. Continue this process untill one of the players has done 5 or 10 steps forward. Don't forget to always make the link with a children's right to make it more difficult.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn to know your rights and how they are affected during the pandemic

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