Media Scavenger Hunt

Hide and seek with a fun twist to increase your media literacy.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Print out two 'Media World' panels & attach them to opposite sides of the mobile school.


Divide the children in two groups. Group 1 are the Riddlers & group 2 are the Treasure Hunters.


Give both groups a bottle top and ask them to

place it somewhere on their panel.


Each turn, both groups can move their bottle tops

once. One 'move' corresponds to the distance from one street to the adjacent street or intersection.


The Riddlers always move their bottle top first.


Then, the Treasure Hunters try to find out where the Riddlers are, by asking questions about the media on the panel e.g. 'Have you just recorded a video?' or 'Are you reading a newspaper?'.

The Treasure Hunters have to answer the questions truthfully and give the Treasure Hunters clues for their route.


The Treasure Hunters win if they are able to identify the current location of the Riddlers and if their bottle top is at the exact same location.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This panel was created by StreetSmart Wheels partner Jugendamt Stadt Düsseldorf.

The panel represents the district of Flingern in

Düsseldorf, visualising all the places where children & youngsters regularly meet (youth clubs, playgrounds, schools, parks), public institutions, business places (offices) and bars, pubs & restaurants.

On the panel, both active & passive ways to use different types of media are depicted in different contexts (private, public, professional & social).


  • Difficulty level: You can make the game more difficult by adding more bottle tops, by prohibiting the use of certain key words (left & right or computer & phone), by limiting the number of questions that can be asked, etc.
  • "Mr X & Scotland Yard": The game starts the same. The children are divided into two groups & stand on either side of the mobile school. Group 1 is 'Mr.X'. They can make 5 moves with their bottle top. While they are making the moves, they say the directions out loud, e.g.: up, down, left, right, up. Group 2 is 'Scotland Yard'. They write down the directions given by Mr.X. Mr.X. must give at least 2 hints about the media bubbles he has come across. Scotland Yard has to guess the position of Mr.X. The game finishes when Scotland Yard has been able to verify the current position of Mr.X based on the hints, so they can capture him.
  • Discussion: talk about the different types of media on the panel and about their creative and productive applications. Encourage the children to critically reflect on the role of media in everyday life and about the credibility of media content. Also discuss the opportunities & risks linked to media use.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

Increase media literacy and media criticism

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