The big collaboration game

Collaborate and discover business concepts through playing games with this creative panel about business.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Attach the two panels (BUSINESS D1a & BUSINESS D1b) on opposite sides of the mobile school or put them in two places where you can not see them together.


Divide the players in two groups, one on either side of the school or in the two places.


Through communicating over the mobile school about what they observe in their panel, they must attempt to find out the differences on the two panels.


Each time a difference is found, explain the linked game and play it (information about the games: see Additional game info).


The game ends when all differences are found.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Panel description

Two almost identical panels depicting an urban scene. Twelve differences between the panels can be found. Each difference represents a team game (more information about the games see Additional game info):

  1. construction worker with/without megaphone: nail game
  2. red/yellow t-shirt: cooperation game
  3. juggling with balls/cones: music box
  4. vendor with blue/green bottle: balance the bottle
  5. bus logo greyhound/rabbit: word-of-mouth game
  6. pile of oranges/pineapples: human pyramid
  7. chickens hanging on the bike/in basket: chicken game
  8. cow milk/goat milk: traverse game
  9. man/woman with dirty shoes: observation game
  10. Japanese tourist with/without glasses: price negotiation game
  11. protestors with/without balloon: syndicate game
  12. different panels on mobile school: trust games

- Rope, string, plastic bottle or cup, water, cardboard, blindfolds, nails, chalk, bottle caps, …

Information about the games:

  1. Nail game: All team members (except the leader) stand in a circle around a glass bottle. For each team member, one piece of string (each of equal length) is attached to a big nail. This nail is hanging in the middle of the circle as it is held by the team members holding their individual pieces of string at length. They are all blindfolded except for the leader who stands outside the circle and shouts commands to the group in order for them to aim accurately as a group so that the nail can be lowered into the glass bottle.
  2. Cooperation game: Tie a rope between two trees or lamp posts. The entire team has to work together to get all members over the rope.
  3. Music box: All team members must contribute to creating a creative way of attracting the attention of customers. Each member finds or makes for himself an instrument out of materials they find in the street. The group must then come together to integrate all instruments and elements and come up with a combined rhythm, song and dance to attract attention.
  4. Balance the bottle: For this game one needs a piece of cardboard with pieces of rope attached to it for each player. On the piece of cardboard in the centre, one places a plastic bottle or cup half-filled with water. Each player holds one of the pieces of rope, thereby sharing and dividing the responsibility and control over balancing the bottle. The entire group needs to escape through the puppet theater of the mobile school, without allowing the bottle to fall or spill all the water. Nobody is allowed to let go of the rope.
  5. Word-of-mouth game: A vendor and a customer stand on one side of the mobile school. On the other side stands another group of potential customers (other group members) in a line. The vendor whispers a long advertising slogan in customers ear. The customer goes to the other side and whispers the sentence to the next customer, who in turn must whisper what he heard into the following customer's ear. The last customer at the end of the row must say out loud what he heard.
  6. Human pyramid: Form a human pyramid with your team which is as high and creative as possible.
  7. Chicken game: One vendor and the rest of the team are chickens. The chickens are blindfolded so they don't run away. Only the vendor can see, but cannot talk to the chickens. The vendor must arrange the chickens according to size (biggest in front), without using words.
  8. Traverse game: The group must work together to cross over a imaginary river or an alternative obstacle using only three small pieces of cardboard. Nobody may touch the ground in between the two river banks.
  9. Observation game: One player steps outside the group. The group forms an agreement on who will be the group leader. When the individual returns, he must observe as the group imitates actions or ways of walking the leader introduces in a subtle way. The player who stands alone must identify the leader.
  10. Price negotiation game: On each side of the mobile school there is one vendor each selling the same product. Each vendor notes down the price they want for their product on the blackboard on their side of the mobile school, independently of each other. A negotiator is elected, who must negotiate individually with each vendor in turn (without mentioning numbers), in order to come to the same price with which both vendors can agree.
  11. Syndicate game: The syndicate made a pricing agreement, but one member wants to break the agreement. The group stand in a circle with arms interlocked, with one member in the middle who has to try to break out of the tight-knit circle.
  12. Trust games: There are 3 trust games depicted on the enlarged panels:

a) all stand in a circle (and make a 45° turn to the left) and face each other's back. The players huddle close together, and on three, sit down on each other's lap;

b) all stand in a close circle, with one player in the middle who closes his eyes and stands up straight (stiff as a plank). The player in the middle can gentle lean forward or backward, and the group catches him and gently pushes him to the other side of the circle;

c) someone climbs on top of the mobile school, puts on a blindfold and allows him to fall backwards stiff as a plank, off the mobile school into the interlocked arms of his team mates who catch him.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn to communicate clearly and correctly.
  • Create a good and strong group dynamic.

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