The stories of the five characters: how duty-bearers are perceived according to children

Duty-bearers will reflect on how children and young people see them and how they perceive their own presence and responsibilities.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Have each duty-bearer choose 1 character on the poster. Tell them nothing yet about the character.


Have the duty-bearers look at the storyline and have them tell their character's story (in general), based on the pictures only.


Ask other duty-bearers to also look at the storyline and add more information/details if possible.


In the second round, have duty-bearers retell their character's story, explicitly considering the presence and responsibilities of duty-bearers involved in the story.

  • How are the duty-bearers in the story possibly perceived by the child, according to them?

Have each duty-bearer tell the story of their character, paying attention to the previous question and start a (short) discussion (see discussion questions in additional game information).

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Discussion questions
  • How did the activity go? What did you learn from this exercise?
  • Was it easy to think of how children would see dutiful people? Why not?
  • On what experiences were these thoughts based?
  • What did you learn about children and young people's perceptions of duty-bearers?
  • ...

The stories of the five characters poster show the storylines of the five main characters of the toolkit. The full storylines of the characters can be found in the appendix of the activity bundle. On the left-hand side of the panel, the main characters are shown with a QR code one can scan to listen to their story in different languages. Next to the characters, six green rights and six red rights are depicted. These icons show the main children's rights which are respected and violated in the story of the specific character. In order to interpret the children's rights icons, it might be useful to always have the children's rights overview panel with you.

This game has been specially created to work with duty-bearers on the theme of children's rights.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.


Combine this activity with the input from the game 'The stories of the five characters: taking the perspective of the duty-bearer' to contrast the duty-bearers' ideas with the actual responses of the children and youngsters. This input can promote discussion.

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