Roll and Mime the Emotions

How do we express emotions? Find out with this pantomime game!

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Étape 1

Make the dice

Print the template, cut around the outer lines, fold the paper on each line and glue the areas that are not square together.


Étape 2

Prepare the emotions

Print the emotions and cut them out.


Étape 3

Make the dice with emotions

Stick one emotion on each side of the dice. 

Bon travail!

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather the players in a circle.


Explain that you are going to play a game on emotions. 


One player starts and rolls the die of emotions.


This player must imitate the rolled emotion. 


The other players must decide whether the player's performance matches the emotion with a thumbs up or a thumbs down. 


Then the player has to answer the following question: 'Can you remember a time when you felt this way or when a friend/family/etc. felt this way?’


The game ends when one player has thrown all six emotions and answered the question for all of them. He is then the winner of the game.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

  • Make sure you are in a safe space, where all children feel appreciated and want to express themselves. The judging of thumbs up or down should be guided at all times by a youth worker.
  • If a player throws the same emotion, the player must answer the question again and tell about another moment/situation when he/she felt this way.


  • Together with the children, make a die with different emotions.
  • You can end the game in different ways, e.g. whoever grabs one emotion twice wins, whoever grabs all emotions twice wins, each player rolls the die two, four, X times and then the game ends.

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