Stress Discovery Channel: Animals Concept

Use the icons on the board to get other players to guess as many animals as possible and win together!

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Place the game board in the middle of the group so all players can see it.


During the game, all players have one other player guess an animal by just describing it using the icons on the border of the game board.


The player who is going to guess, steps away so he doesn't know which animal the group chooses.


Once the animal is chosen, the player who is going to guess returns to the group.


Then the players take turns placing a bottle cap on an icon on the board to try to help the player who is going to guess the animal. They can, of course, help each other choose the icons that best characterise the animal.


The player may guess as many times as he wants. However, the other players can only answer with yes or no to these guesses.


If the player has guessed the animal correctly, he earns one point.


If the player cannot guess the animal and gives up, the other players reveal the animal.


Now another player can guess an animal.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

On the border of the poster, you can find different characteristics that can be linked to animals. Each characteristic has a coloured border. The characteristics with the same-coloured border, belong to the same category. The icons are depicting (starting from top left clockwise):

  • Green = habitat: mountains, desert, grassland, jungle, cave, river/lake, forest, beach, sea, ice, house, barn, meadow
  • Pink = diet: plants, meat
  • Yellow = biorhythm: day, night
  • Orange = features: beak, fur, scales, claws, feathers, shell, horns, hooves, sharp teeth, 4 paws, 2 paws, no paws
  • Grey = colours: spots, stripes, multicolour, white, grey, black, blue, purple, pink, brown, green, yellow, orange, red
  • Light blue = size: big, medium, small
  • Brown = locomotion: crawling on land, jumping, climbing, flying, walking on land, digging holes, swimming
  • Red = strength: weak, strong
  • Blue = speed: fast, intermediate, slow

The centre of the poster depicts different animals with different stress reactions. The animals depicted and their stress responses are:

  • Fight (chipmunk, eagle, lions, kangaroos, chimpanzee, chickens)
  • Flight (turtle, hedgehog, sloth, cheetah)
  • Freeze (bear, ducks, gorilla, rhino, flamingo)
  • Fawn (dog, camels, peacocks, deer, otters, donkey)
  • Other (bison, wolf, snake, polar bear, pigeon, shark, meerkat, giraffe, bunny, toucans, owl, cat, black panther, koala, llama, panda, red panda, lemur, ostrich, penguin, horse, argali, elephant, fox, skunk, cuttlefish)
  • No stress reaction (bat, red crab, ladybug, mouse, killer whale, seal, eagle ray, chameleon, red frog, purple frog, purple hermit crab, parrot, scarlet ibis, crocodile, sea star)

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.

Source: Concept Kids Animals


Role reversal: Only one player chooses an animal, and the other players all have to guess which animal he has chosen. This player can give clues by placing bottle caps on the features.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Learn about animals and their behaviour.
  • Describe animals using animal characteristics.

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