Healing Fairytales: Continue the story

Continue the story and build a magical story together. How will the story end?

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather all players and form a circle. It’s time to build a magical story together!


Explore the poster together and discover the seven different categories (linked by a colour): location/landscape, heroes, talents, friends of the heroes, magic tools, villains and different endings.


Each player has to pick an element when his time arrives and continue the story from where the previous player has left it.

Example: Player 1 picks the mermaid as the hero: “Once upon a time, there was a mermaid…”. Player 2 picks water as the location: “…who lived in the water in a land far, far away…” Now player 3 picks a sword for the hero as a talent: “This mermaid was really good with swords. So good in fact that the mermaid could fight and win from the most experienced mermaid-knights…” etc.


The players write down the story, or the elements that they choose, while they are telling it, so they will remember it later. You could also appoint one player as the writer.


When every player has chosen and narrated one element from the bookmark, the story is almost ready. The only thing left to do for the players is to come up with a name/title for their story.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

On the bookmark you can find the following elements, referring to:

  • Location = brown: forest (1), mushroom (2), village (3), castle (4), mountains (5), cave (6), haunted house (7), palace (8), desert (9), tower (10), gravestone (11), ? (12).
  • Hero = green: puss in boots (1), lumberjack (2), knight (3), pirate (4), farm girl and boy (5), Tom Thumb (6), frog (7), princess (8), sultan (9), mermaid (10), Little Red Riding Hood (11), ? (12).
  • Friend = blue: gingerbread cookie (1), unicorn (2), fairy (3), grandmother (4), swan (5), hodja (6), lackey (7), camel (8), dwarfs (9), genie (10), dog (11), ? (12).
  • Talent = red: running shoes (1), spinning wheel (2), swords (3), bricks and trowel (4), blow-dryer and comb (5), bow and arrow (6), axe (7), microphone (8), climbing gear (9), fishing rod (10), flute (11), ? (12).
  • Obstacle/enemy = yellow: fire-breathing dragon (1), wizard (2), giant (3), goblin (4), vampire (5), tornado (6), wolf (7), angry stepsisters (8), lightening (9), witch (10), angry queen (11), ? (12).
  • Magical tools = orange: cape (1), ring (2), magic spell book (3), wand (4), potion (5), flying carpet (6), magical lamp (7), kettle (8), rose (9), key (10), mirror (11), ? (12).
  • Ending = purple: crown (1), party table (2), rainbow (3), magical transformation (4), hot air balloon (5), medal (6), gift (7), leaving for adventure (8), love (9), treasure chest (10), group hug (11), ? (12).

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

  • Healing Fairytales: My Secret Weapon


  • Healing Fairytales: Create your own fairytale


This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  • After the group chose the elements, you could create a roleplay and perform your story.
  • The players can draw the story, create a comic, or even create a little fairy book writing the story and drawing relatable pictures.
  • If you play with a big group, you can play the game in pairs, so each pair can decide an element every time or you can add more than one element from some categories (ex. More than one friend, or/and villains, or/and talents, etc.).
  • In a big group, you could also decide the elements together, without already narrating the story. Once the elements are picked, create smaller groups. Now each group must come up with a story based on the chosen elements. Afterwards, each group shares their story with the others.
  • Give each player a number. Throw the die/dice and let this decide which player has to narrate which part/element of the story.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

Healing through storytelling

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