The Self-Care City: Bring the Self-Care City to life

Scan the QR codes to bring the Self-Care City to life and help children discover (new) ways to relax and feel good.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Gather a group of players in front of the Self-Care City poster. Explain that everyone has their ways to calm down and feel better, which are shown on the poster. Tell that what works for one might not work for another.


Give some seconds to the players to scan the poster. Introduce them to / let them identify the 6 different islands on the poster: sports, house/family/friends, arts, music, play and nature.


Ask them if they can see activities that they are familiar with, if they have tried something or if they practice some activities from the poster.


Tell the players you’ll explore some self-care activities together. Each island on the poster has a QR code. Scan the code to listen to the audio instructions and do the exercise together. Choose, or let the players choose which island to start with.


Continue with the other QR codes: scan the code to listen to the audio instructions and do the exercise together.


Conclude the session by discussing which activities they enjoyed most and least. Ask them what they prefer to do when they want to relax.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Each island contains a fun and engaging audio instruction. All exercises are available in English, French, Spanish, Dutch, Romanian, Ukrainian, Greek and Farsi. The following exercises are provided:

  • Freeze Dance (04:41)
  • Body Scanner (06:13)
  • 5 Senses Exercise (05:01)
  • Everyday Creations (04:02)
  • Flower Breathing (04:13)
  • Yoga Safari (10:51)

All texts of the audio instructions are available as well over here: X.

Tip: Prepare yourself, listen to the instructions in advance and participate in the activities. It will be easier for the players to follow the instructions if they see them as well.

Four symbols in the corners of the poster can help dive into different self-care activities and get players thinking about which activities they like and help them:

  • Paper planes: Discuss activities that people enjoy doing alone or together.
  • Hot air balloon: Explore emotions by picking one and discussing what self-care strategies help when feeling that way. Or pick a self-care strategy and discuss how the players feel when doing this activity.
  • Compass: Talk about the symbols on the compass and let the players share strategies that help them calm their emotions (heart), body, mind (head) and social interactions (text balloon).
  • Traffic light: Use the traffic light to discuss which self-care activities the players do when they feel okay (green) / stressed (orange) / totally overwhelmed (red).

The following games can also be played with this educational poster:

  • The Self-Care City: Discover The Self-Care City

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.


  • Draw your island of self-care and add the activities that help you to calm down or to take care of yourself. Think how this island will be, how the ground will be, what elements will there be... The poster can serve as inspiration, but you can also add activities that are not on there. Keep that drawing and every time you need to do something to take care of yourself, choose the activity you fancy.
  • As a group activity you can discuss which self-care activities are important for your group. Draw them on an island or write them down. The final handmade poster can decorate your class/place of work, so everybody will have access to it and use activities when they are needed.

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Explore different self-care activities.
  • Follow instructions accurately.

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