Dear Diary

Children read three different diaries about the same experience and discuss misjudgments about people and the connection with children's rights.

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

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Explain or reenact the storyline (see additional game information).


Divide the children into three groups and give each group one of the stories to read (see materials).


After reading the stories, bring the children all together and list the events of the camp day on a large piece of paper (e.g. solving puzzles, eating lunch, playing football, building a raft, crossing the river).


Stop at each event and ask the children what their character did, thought and felt at each moment. Do not let the children explain the reasons for the campers' different reactions and feelings.


Ask the players of the group to describe whose story they read.


Discuss how three children could experience the same events so differently (see additional game information).


Begin a debriefing and evaluation of this exercise by linking their experiences to children's rights.

Información extra del juego


During the summer months, many children go to summer camp. The following stories come from the diaries of three children who meet for the first time at the same summer camp. They are the same age and take part in the same activities. One day, the 'Day of the Great Adventure' is organised. That evening, all three children write the story of that day in their diaries.

Discussion questions
  • Why did these children misunderstand each other?
  • Do you think the children would have behaved differently if they had known more about each other's lives? How?
  • What misunderstandings did they have about each other?
  • How did they make those mistakes?
  • Have you ever made mistakes in judging someone else?
  • What happens when we misjudge other people?
  • What can we do to avoid making mistakes about other people?

Debriefing and evaluation
  • What do you think of the three stories?
  • Would you enjoy such a day? Why or why not?
  • Can you identify with any of these children? Which one? Why?
  • Can you have friends even if you are poor or cannot read? Why? What does friendship mean?
  • Are there people in your community who are more disadvantaged than others? Who are they?
  • What can we do to change this situation?
  • What child rights did the children enjoy at camp?
  • What children's rights do they enjoy at home?
  • Are these children's rights being violated?
  • How are they affected by the violation of their rights? How will this affect their future?

Tips for the facilitator
  • The stories may be unrealistic or unfamiliar to some players. Adapt them to reflect the reality of the players without isolating individual players or embarrassing them with stories that are too close to their personal lives.
  • Be sensitive to players' attitudes about themselves and others in their community. Be aware of stereotypes and judgmental behaviour that these stories may evoke in some players. The aim is to encourage players to question why others act as they do, and not jump to conclusions.
  • Make a clear distinction between what the character did and what he or she felt and thought.


This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting children's rights.


  • The game can also be played during a pandemic, outside with distance or online, with some small adaptations.
  • Encourage children to write their own diary. What do they feel, think or experience during a (specific) day? If the group feels comfortable enough, they can share a part of their diary with each other and reflect on their different experiences.
  • Younger children will need some visual materials to remember what happens during the day at camp. Show photo’s while telling the story to make it more visual or make drawings of the situations in the stories.

More variations in (p.99-102)

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Practice communication and observation skills.
  • Identify why others think or act in a certain way.
  • Increase empathy.
  • Become aware of judgmental attitudes.

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Otros juegos de ARSIS- Association for the Social Support of Youth

Líneas silenciosas

Durante este juego de activación agradable para todas las edades, los participantes se conocerán mejor sin hablar.

Detalles del juego

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¡Es hora de un regalo especial! Haz un regalo que represente un derecho de la Convención de los Derechos del Niño.

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