City of rights: reflection game with duty-bearers

Encourage duty-bearers to think about the purpose of the City of Rights board game and engage them in discussions about specific situations.

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Part 1: Understanding the purpose of the game

Print the 'City of Rights' poster and bring it with you when visiting or working with duty-bearers.


Explain to them how the game works and its purpose, which is for example to educate children about their rights and who they can turn to if their rights are violated (see additional game information for the full game explanation).


Encourage duty-bearers to reflect on the objectives of the game and discuss its relevance (see additional game information).


Part 2: Discussion

Have duty-bearers share their experiences about situations they have encountered by rolling the dice until they end up on a red or green square on the board.


Ask them to talk about a specific situation or news article related to the right indicated by the color of the square they landed on (green = a right protected, red = a right violated).


Initiate a conversation about the protected or violated children's rights in the given situation, and discuss the role and contributions of duty-bearers in addressing such situations (see additional game information).

Información extra del juego

Full game manual for the 'City of rights' board game:

Reflection questions part 1
  • What do they think of this board game?
  • What is the added value of this game?
  • How can this game help children learn more about their rights?
  • What are possible pitfalls of the game? 
  • How can the game help children learn about duty-bearers and/or people they can turn to when needed? 
  • ...

Reflection questions part 2
  • How can you - in your role as duty-bearer - contribute to the realisation of this right/these rights?
  • Would you (always) intervene in a situation where a child's right is violated? Why? How?
  • Who can you turn to if you need additional help?
  • What are important concerns for you when working with children?
  • ...

The City of Rights poster is the introductory goose board game for the All Children, All Rights package. On the panel, a goose board, the five main characters and different situations linked to children's rights are depicted to allow youth workers to introduce the topic in a fun and interactive way to their target group. The additional QR code links to an audio story to get more information on the panel and on the city. Some situations will be reused on other posters to make a clear link with the overview panel.

This game has been specially created to work with duty-bearers on the theme of children's rights.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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