Protectors and Enemies

The players are divided into the 'right', the 'protectors' and the 'enemies'. The protectors will try to defend the right from the enemies.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Papers
  • Pencils

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


The facilitator randomly divides the group into three subgroups - "protectors", "enemies" and "the right" (only two players) - and assigns them specific roles. All three groups should be in a different room (if possible).


The facilitator gives the groups some minutes to prepare for the game, and explains the details of their roles. The 'protectors' discuss the right to protect and how to protect and support others, the 'enemies' discuss how to attack the right, and 'the right' choose a right to perform and think of movements to portray it.


Once the groups are ready, the facilitator gathers them all in a central space, with 'the right' in the middle. The 'protectors' form a circle around the right, and the 'enemies' form a circle around the 'protectors'. The game now begins, with each group playing its role.


The 'righties' play the right they have chosen, and the 'protectors' protect them from the 'enemies'. The 'protectors' can be parents, friends, police, teachers, neighbours or hospital staff, and their role is to encourage and support the 'judge'. They can "build a wall" to protect them from the "enemies" and remind the "righties" that they are great and special. The "enemies" can include parents, friends, police, teachers, neighbours or hospital staff, but their role is to act against the right. They can use words to judge the way players act.


After the game, the facilitator gathers the players in a circle to discuss their feelings (see additional game info).

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

  • Some children may have been hurt during the game, so it is important to take some time away from the roles and the intense situation that occurred after the activity.
  • The facilitator can use this opportunity to discuss the rights of the child in general and all the rights the children exercised during the game.
  • The actions of all players can be analysed, and it can be interesting to see if they chose the same characters as protectors, enemies or offenders.

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to protection.

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Où en êtes-vous ?

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