The Refugee Journey: secret jar

What is happening here? Choose a word from the jar, find the object or character on the poster and explain what is happening.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Cut small pieces of paper and write on them words of objects or characters depicted on the poster (see instructions material). Put them all in a jar or box.


Let the players each choose a word. Show the poster 'The refugee's journey' and ask the children to find the word on the poster.


Ask each player to imagine what happens in this situation and what the possible outcome of the story is and let them share their thoughts with the group of players.


When the story is over, the youth workers can ask some additional questions to promote group discussion (see additional game information).

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Questions for a group discussion:

  • How do you think the person feels?
  • What does he/she see around him/her?
  • Can you imagine what would be a better situation there?
  • ...

This is an observation and identification game. It helps children understand the characters and imagine the situations better and not just superficially.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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