The Children's Parliament: disturb the messenger

Explore the right to participation by getting your message to the receivers while reflecting on which violations took place.

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Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Briefly examine the poster "The Children's Parliament" and all the situations depicted on it with all the players.


Now divide the group into three groups: the messengers, the disturbers and the receivers.


The first group represents the messengers, who stand by the Children's Parliament poster. They describe a situation on the poster and want to convey this message to the third group, the receivers. The rest of the players stand between the messengers and the receivers and try to prevent them from understanding the message by making a lot of noise. Perhaps they can also pounce or distract the group.


The receivers are given 4 minutes to figure out the situation described. If they can guess the situation correctly, they and the messengers get 1 point. If they cannot, the disturbers get 1 point.


Switch roles after each situation.


The game ends when the players no longer feel like playing the game or after a fixed number of discussed situations.


After guessing, reflect with the whole group of players why this game has to do with the right to participate. See additional game information for some reflection questions.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Questions for reflection:

  • How do you feel after this exercise?
  • How can you link this exercise to the right to participation?
  • Is your right to participation violated or not in this activity? Why (not)?
  • When can you fully exercise your right to participation?
  • In what way(s) do you exercise your right to participate?

The 'Children's Parliament' poster is the overview poster for the right to participation. The posters show a multitude of situations in the parliament building. Outside of the parliament, people are demonstrating. The text balloons show additional situations linked to the right of participation. The QR code on the panel links to an audio story that gives a good introduction to start the conversation on the right to participation with your target group.

The rights linked to participation are the following:

  1. Art. 7 – Name and nationality
  2. Art. 8 - Identity
  3. Art. 12 – Respect for children’s view
  4. Art. 13 – Sharing thoughts freely
  5. Art. 14 – Freedom of thought and religion
  6. Art. 15 – Setting up or joining groups
  7. Art. 17 – Access to information
  8. Art. 28 – Access to education
  9. Art. 29 – Aims of education
  10. Art. 30 – Minority culture, language and religion
  11. Art. 31 – Rest, play, culture, arts
  12. Art. 42 – Everyone must know children’s rights

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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