Design Your Own Happy Box

Craft a happy box, a personalised treasure chest filled with items that spark happy memories.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • A box (e.g., a shoebox)
  • Decorating materials (paint, stickers, markers, wrappingwrapping paper, magazines, coloured pencils, ribbon, string etc.) paper, magazines, coloured pencils, ribbon, string etc.)
  • Memories (photos, notes, cards, etc.) - Paper and pen

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Let the players choose a box that can hold their treasured items. A shoebox works perfectly, but any box will do.


The players can now personalise their box using their favourite decorating materials. Encourage them to make it colourful, expressive and unique.


Let the players gather happy memories and achievements to fill the box. For example:

  • A sweet note from a friend or loved one
  • Photographs form a memorable vacation
  • Seashells from a beach visit
  • A funny greeting card
  • Compliments or affirmations written to themselves
  • ....

Encourage all the players to put at least three thoughts inside the box. Give them some time to do this during the activity, or encourage them think about what they want to put in their Happy Box afterwards.


In pairs or in a group, have the players share a happy thought they feel comfortable sharing with others.


Conclude the exercise by telling the players that whenever they're feeling down or facing a tough moment, they can open their Happy Box and revisit the happy memories and positive messages.


Also, add that the box is always open for new happy memories to enter, so each child can add an item, picture, or drawing of any new happy and important memory they have in the future.

Información extra del juego

Ensure a safe environment by encouraging open sharing while emphasizing confidentiality and respect. Participation should be voluntary, with no judgment or discomfort. If unsure about sensitive topics, proceed with caution. Stay accessible to players and provide support as needed, offering contact points for further discussion. Observe engagement and emotional responses closely, providing guidance and support while remaining alert to signs of distress.


- Design a Worry Box: Just like the Happy Box, the Worry Box is a tool designed to manage anxiety and intrusive thoughts. Sometimes, such thoughts can be overwhelming, leading to feelings like sadness, anger, or fear. A Worry Box is a helpful tool to manage these feelings. The construction of this box is similar to the Happy Box. Each time you experience a negative thought, write it down on a piece of paper, fold it and put in into the Worry Box, saying: “Scary thoughts, I’m putting you in the box! You will come out only if I want you to.” Optionally, secure the box with a lock or a rope to secure these thoughts. Engage with the players in reflection by asking questions such as: When you are worried, what do you typically do? What are other things you could do? What’s the difference between very serious worries and less serious ones? Encourage the players to review the contents of their Worry Box once a week or month with a trusted friend, family member or youth worker. Close the activity with the message that sharing our worries can make them disappear, diminish, or become something we can manage with the help of a friend or an adult.


Wat als je iets heel ergs meemaakt? - Eva Kestens

Denk goed, voel je goed – Paul Stallard

The huge bag of worries – Virginia Ironside

Trauma-Informed Social-Emotional Toolbox For Children & Adolescents. 116 Worksheets & Skill-Building Exercises to Support Safety, Connection & Empowerment” - 2020 Lisa Weed Phifer & Laura K. Sibbald

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

- Reflect on and analyse your thoughts and memories

- Recall and reinforce positive memories

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