Respect the Bubble

Learn how to assert your personal bubble and respect that of others!

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Explain to the players that everyone has an invisible 'bubble' around them that represents their personal space. Today they will practice recognising and respecting these bubbles.


Have the group stand in a circle. Ask them to stretch their arms out to their sides and make sure they have enough space so that their fingertips do not touch those of others. This helps them visualise their personal space.


Instruct the players to move freely through the space. They should try not to get too close to others to respect their personal space. Occasionally shout 'Stop!' and the players should stand still in place. Check if someone's 'bubble' has been invaded and discuss how that felt.


Divide the players into pairs. In each pair, one person is the "mover" and the other the "boundary setter." The mover slowly approaches the boundary setter, who raises his hand and says 'Stop!' when he feels his bubble being invaded. The mover must respect the command and stop immediately. Switch roles after a few attempts.


Gather the participants in a circle and discuss their experiences:

  • How did it feel to say 'Stop'?
  • How did it feel to hear 'Stop'?
  • Why is it important to respect when someone says 'Stop'?

5. Explain that like physical boundaries, we also have emotional, mental and social boundaries. Discuss examples of non-physical boundaries, such as respecting someone's privacy, saying no to things that make someone uncomfortable, or taking time for themselves. Ask participants to give examples of times when they had to set a boundary or respect someone else's boundary in a non-physical context.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Recognise and respect physical and personal boundaries.
  • Understand the importance of consent.
  • Practice assertiveness in a playful, engaging way.

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