Decide in a Flash

Practice quick decision-making skills and engage in thoughtful reflection on your choices and reasoning.

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inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Dilemma sheets
  • Paper
  • Pens
  • Optional: timer, flipchart / board for debriefing session.

Hazlo usted mismo/a


Paso 1

Dilemma sheets

Write down at least 10 different dilemmas, each on a different paper, e.g.

  1. A friend tries to persuade you to run away from class.
  2. A friend asks you to let him copy a test.
  3. A friend offers you a shady package and asks you to give it to someone else.
  4. A friend pressures you to lie to your parents about where you are going.
  5. A friend dares you to post something mean about someone online.
  6. A friend wants you to sneak into a movie without paying.
  7. A friend encourages you to skip your chores and play video games instead.
  8. A friend asks you to cover for them when they break something valuable.
  9. A friend invites you to a party where you know there will be alcohol and you're underage.
  10. A friend wants you to keep a secret that you know is harmful to someone else.
  11. A friend pressures you to bully another student to fit in with a group.
  12. A friend asks you to steal something small from a store to prove your loyalty.
  13. A friend tries to persuade you to join them in vandalizing school property.
  14. ...

Paso 2

Ball of situations

Now make a ball of all the sheets. Start with one paper and wrap this small ball, into another paper. Each time the ball will become bigger, until you have used all the dilemma sheets.

¡Buen trabajo!

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Gather the players in a circle.


Begin by throwing the "ball" of dilemmas to the first player.


Prompt the player to quickly open the outer layer of the "onion" and read the dilemma out loud to the group. Encourage the player to make a rapid decision (yes or no) in response to the dilemma and briefly explain their reasoning.


Now this player can pass the "ball" to the next player in the circle, who repeats the process.


Continue passing the "ball" around the circle until all scenarios have been read and responded to by different players.


Facilitate a brief group discussion following the completion of lightning decision-making. Encourage players to reflect on the dilemmas and decisions made, focusing on the reasoning behind each decision. Discuss any common themes, differences in perspectives, or challenges encountered during the activity.


Conclude the activity by summarizing key takeaways and lessons learned. Encourage the players to apply their decision-making skills in real-life situations and reflect on the outcomes.

Información extra del juego

Be careful that the other players don't judge the one making the decision; the atmosphere should be friendly and supportive.

Make sure to rotate the "ball" to ensure that each player has the opportunity to respond to different dilemmas.


  • The players can contribute their own dilemmas to the activity, increasing personal relevance and engagement. Ensure anonymity by transcribing the players' scenarios onto separate dilemma sheets before the activity begins.
  • Analyze one scenario all together, gather pros and cons and see how our perspectives can be different depending on our experiences, personality, way of thinking, etc.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

Engage in group discussions that provide opportunities for personal reflection and validation of experiences

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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