Rights Feeling Bag

Let players explore essential objects for child development and survival.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Feeling bag: small bag made of opaque fabric, but soft enough to feel the contents through the outside of the bag.
  • Objects representing basic survival and development rights, such as: Family group of small dolls, food (e.g. a tin of beans or an orange), small bottle of water, small toy house, toys, a stethoscope/other medical item, an exercise/reading book and pencil
  • A set of photos of: a child with his family outside or in the house, an adult feeding a child, a vegetable stall or food shop, children eating a meal, children at school, children learning something from a family member, water from the tap, water from a r

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Inform the players that the goal of the game is to reflect on important things that are necessary for children to survive, grow, and develop. Encourage the players to share their ideas on what these things might be.everyone will have a turn with something. 


Place an object in a bag that the players cannot see and pass the bag around for a few players to feel and guess what the object is.


After the object is removed from the bag, discuss what it the object represents and what important aspect it contains. Ask the players if they believe this is important for all children and why. Discuss the impact it would have if children were not able to access this right.


Present images that illustrate different ways that children experience these rights or objects.


Repeat steps 2-4 with the other objects in the bag, ensuring that the players do not see the object before it is placed in the bag.


After examining all the objects, ask the players if they have access to all these things. Facilitate a conversation about whether they believe all children should have access to these things. Explain that the things discussed in the game are considered important development and survival rights for children.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to development.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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