Camera Catchers: problem-solving heroes

Allow children to think of possible solutions in situations where their right to protection is violated, making use of role-play.

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Show the children the 'Camera Catchers' poster and explain that different situations happen on each of the screens. Discuss what they see to warm up.


The players are divided into two groups. Ask each group to choose a particular situation on the poster that they would like to change.


Each group is given 10 minutes to prepare. With the help of the youth worker, one should be the director (who can change in each round) and the others the actors. They should create a short scene showing how the situation can be solved and present it to the other group.


Afterwards, the youth worker can initiate a short discussion with the children in which they give their opinions on the proposed solution. Would they do it differently? Why is it important to protect people from this situation?

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

The 'Camera Catchers' poster is the overview poster for the right to protection. The poster zooms in on the protection aspect present in the stories of the five main characters of the toolkit. The panel is designed as a security room, where security cameras allow you to look at the stories with a 'right to protection'-lens. On the left top side of the panel, all the separate rights linked to the right to protection are listed. The QR code on the right-hand side of the panel links to an audio story that gives a good introduction to start the conversation on the right to protection with your target group.

All children's rights icons used on the posters are created by UNICEF for their child-friendly version of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.

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