Relaxation Exercise: Squeeze and Relax

Feeling agitated, stressed or anxious? Squeeze and relax to calm your body!

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • - Yoga mats or a carpet

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Bring the players together in a group and let them sit down in a circle.


Explain that the exercise you will do is helpful when you feel agitated, stressed or anxious.


Explain the players to listen closely to the upcoming instructions:

  • The players can close their eyes to enhance focus, but this feels uncomfortable, they can leave them open and fix their gaze on a specific point.
  • Explain that the activity involves systematically tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups throughout the body.

Read out loud the following instructions:

  • - Clench your fists tighly, count to five, then slowly open your hands to relax. Feel the tension release from your fingers. Repeat this process twice.
  • - Squeeze your arms against your body, count to five, and relax. Feel the tension flowing away from your arms. Repeat twice.
  • - Lift your shoulders up to your ears, hold the tension for five counts, then relax and let them drop. Notice how the tension dissipates. Repeat twice.


  • Make various facial expressions to tense up the muscles in your face—scrunch your eyes, nose, and mouth. Hold for five

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • - Learn how to handle arousal levels.
  • - Learn how to relax body and mind.

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