Happy Hands

Discover your happy place and the source of your greatest support through the guidance of your hands.

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Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • Paper
  • Colouring utensils (crayons, markers, coloured pencils)

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Distribute paper and coloring utensils to each player.


Instruct the players to trace both of their hands onto the paper, creating an outline of their hand with fingers spread out.


Inside the first hand, the players can write the following prompts inside each finger: "Smell," "See," "Hear," "Touch," and "Taste."


Guide the players through a visualization exercise to imagine their happy, relaxing place. "Think about a place that makes you feel happy. It can be imaginary or real. Spend a few moments thinking about this place. First, what do you see? What do you hear? What can you touch? What can you smell? What can you taste?"


Instruct the players to now draw or write down the details of their happy, relaxing place inside the palm space of their traced hand. Encourage them to be creative and include as many sensory details as possible in the corresponding fingers.


Now, in the second hand, ask the players to think of five people who are important in their lives. This could include someone who helped them in a difficult situation or someone they can ask questions about a certain theme. Have them draw these people in each finger.


After the drawing activity, invite the players to share their Happy Hands with the group. Each player can take turns describing their happy place and their support team.


Encourage the group to listen attentively and ask questions or offer positive feedback to their peers.


Remind the children that they can return to their Happy Hands whenever they need to feel calm, relaxed, or happy.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Ensure that the space is quiet, calm, and free from distractions. Begin by explaining the purpose of the visualization exercise in simple and age-appropriate language. Let the children know what to expect and reassure them that they are safe and supported throughout the exercise. Be flexible in your approach and responsive to the needs and reactions of the children. Adapt the exercise as needed to accommodate different learning styles, attention spans, and comfort levels.

Source: https://calmahoykids.co.uk/2022/10/17/happy-place-visualisation-for-kids/ and MIndfulness bij jongeren. David De Wulf

This game is part of the toolkit ‘Facing trauma - A toolkit on trauma-informed support for children and youth’. This toolkit is a cooperation between StreetSmart, Minor-Ndako, Save the Children Romania & SolidarityNow, cofinanced by the European Union. It provides simple tools to explore important topics like trauma, stress, self-care and emotions in a way that’s easy to use with different target groups.



Use your fingers to recall something positive in your life. For example: your thumb represents a family member or friend you are grateful for, your index finger refers to a place that makes you feel happy, your middle finger links to a positive experience or achievement, your ring finger represents a pet or favorite object and your pinky finger refers to something you enjoyed eating or drinking. 

Objectifs d'apprentissage spécifiques

  • Identify and describe places that make you feel safe and relaxed.
  • Fostering a positive focus.

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