The Live Love Unite Game

Dive into the world of Tomorrowland by exploring videos from 12 top DJs and engaging in cool challenges that reflect the Live, Love and Unite values.

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Place both educational posters next to each other. 


As a group, decide which value you want to explore first: Live, Love or Unite. The value ‘Live’ encourages each person to be and express your unique self. The value ‘Love’ emphasises loving and respecting each other and the planet. The value ‘Unite’ focuses on bringing people from different cultures together.


Start by scanning the QR-code of the main ambassador DJ featured on the left side of the poster and watch their introductory video about the chosen value. 


Move to the right side of the poster, scan the QR-code of the character and watch their video. After watching, find the character on the festival poster. Write down the corresponding number in the appropriate square. 


To dive deeper into the value, each player chooses a green island, identifies up to three situations that they think best represent the value and writes down the numbers of these situations in the squares. Discuss the choices as a group. 


Continue downwards, scanning the next QR-code of the character to receive further instructions. 


Scan the QR-code of the first DJ who will present a challenge related to the value. Complete the challenge and mark it as complete within the square at the bottom with a checkmark. Proceed with the challenges from the next two DJs. 


After completing all challenges under a value, have a group discussion about what they learned and how it applies to their daily lives.


If desired, continue exploring another column with a new value. 

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

If the QR code doesn't scan or you don't have access to a mobile device, use the video transcripts available in the ‘Materials’ section to read or explain the content to the players. Brief descriptions of each challenge for the values ‘Live,’ ‘Love,’ and ‘Unite’ are provided below as well:

For the value ‘Live’ (from left to right):

  1. Design your own Tomorrowland outfit: Create an outfit for the Tomorrowland Festival using chalk and the Mobile School blackboard or paper and pencils.
  2. Organise your own talent show: Pair up and learn about each other's strengths, talents, and interests by asking questions. Return to the group and introduce your partner, highlighting their talents. Then, it's showtime for them to impress us with their skills.
  3. What makes you unique? Split into two teams/in duos and stand facing each other. Team A has 20 seconds to observe everything about Team B, including their clothes, shoes, and how they are standing. Then, Team A looks away while Team B changes three things about their appearance. After 45 seconds, Team A looks back and has 5 minutes to identify all the changes.

For the value ‘Love’ (from left to right):

  1. Clean up the neighbourhood: Collect as much litter as possible within 5 minutes. Grabbing garbage out of bins is off-limits. 
  2. Build your own eco-friendly stage: Create the coolest festival stage using the materials you collected from the streets in the previous challenge. What pieces of trash can you transform into an amazing stage?
  3. Invent your imaginary country and customs: Divide the group into two teams, each representing a unique, imaginary country with its own culture. Choose a name for your country and create three unique customs or rules of politeness. For example, in your country, greeting someone might involve a unique gesture like touching your toes or squinting your eyes when someone says ‘yes’. After establishing your country’s customs, come back together. Pair up with someone from the opposite team to play ‘Who am I’? Take turns pretending to be a famous person while your partner asks questions to guess who you are. Follow your country’s customs during the game. Finish with a group discussion to share what you’ve learned and try to guess the other country’s customs. 

For the value ‘Unite’ (from left to right): 

  1. Rock, paper, scissors tournament: Pair up and put your hands behind your back. Choose your weapon: a rock (closed fist), a paper (flat hand) or scissors (index and middle finger extended). On the count of “rock, paper, scissors”, reveal your choice to the opponent. Here’s how you win: scissors beat paper, paper beats rock and rock beats scissors. If you both choose the same "weapon," reset and go again Every victory makes you the winner and turns your opponent into your biggest fan, cheering for you. Continue playing, with winners gathering more supporters. The game leads to a grand finale showdown between the last two champions, each with a cheering squad. Once we have a champion, everyone celebrates the winner.
  2. Become a Tomorrowland dancer: Form a circle and sit down, stretching your legs towards the middle. Choose one brave person to stand in the center. The other players put their feet against the bottom of this person’s legs. The brave person, the dancer, must keep their body completely stiff and not bend their knees. Lean back and start moving around like the dancers at Tomorrowland, relying on your friends to keep you up.
  3. Tackle teamwork: Everyone forms a line, placing their hands on the shoulders of the person in front of them. Only the person at the end of the line can see. This person must guide the team towards an object placed by the youth worker somewhere in the field. They can only use shoulder taps – a tap on the right to move right and a tap on the left shoulder to go left. The challenge is to pass these taps from the back to the front, with each person passing on the signal until it reaches the leader, who then navigates the direction. No peaking and no talking allowed!

The participating Tomorrowland DJs, listed from left to right and top to bottom, are:

  • For the value Live: NERVO (main ambassador DJ), MATTN, Amber Broos, Afrojack
  • For the value Love: Lost Frequencies (main ambassador DJ), Netsky, Henri PFR, Andromedik
  • For the value Unite: Armin Van Buuren (main ambassador DJ), GORDO, Kölsch, Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano

The Live Love Unite Game Board is part of the Live Love Unite toolkit, developed collaboratively by the Tomorrowland Foundation and StreetSmart in 2024. This partnership aimed to create an educational toolkit to help vulnerable children explore music, festivals, and DJs through engaging and accessible learning materials.


  • When you don't have time to watch the videos, if the content is still too difficult, or when it’s difficult for the players to not pay attention (for example when working with younger children), you can use the following reflection questions to discuss and reflect on the Live Love Unite values. Have the children find three situations for each value: 
  1. Live: Identify three situations where someone excels at something and write the numbers in the squares. 
  2. Love: Find situatons of someone being kind to others, something you love, or someone who is taking care of nature. 
  3. Unite: Look for three situations that require collaboration and cannot be done alone. 
  • Instead of working together as a whole group, divide the group in smaller subgroups and let each group work separately on one of the values. After completion, you can switch values.  
  • Divide the group into teams and have them compete to see who can complete the challenges the fastest or with the most creativity. Award points for each completed challenge and tally the scores at the end. 
  • Have players take turns being a world-famous DJ and have them create their own challenges (and videos) for others to complete. 

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