Drug Use Storylines

Discuss the different consequences of drug use with the help of these four detailed storylines

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Start at the top of the panel with the first storyline (red). Ask one of the players to explain what he/she sees on the first image. The player starts to tell the story.


Then, continue with the second and the third image. Always ask the player to be as detailed as possible and to continue the story from the first image. Alternatively, you can ask other participants to continue the story.


After discussing image 3, ask the players: what's next? How does this story end? Take a piece of chalk or a pen/pencil and draw a fourth box with the end of the story. Always ask the players to share the end of the story and give enough space and time to the group to reflect or to ask questions.

Información extra del juego

On the panel, one can find four different storylines related to drugs. The storylines refer back to four corners of the drugs overview panel HEALTH C1. Therefore it's possible to use the two panels during the same activity. The storylines are about:

1. Physical and mental health (red)

2. Finances (blue)

3. Legal (yellow)

4. Social (green)


Create your own storylines, linked to one of the topics mentioned above. Make sure to involve both positive and negative aspects.

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  • Learn more about the implications of using drugs

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