Boys don't cry!

Players present their sketch on provocative statements about on gender.

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Denunciar este juego

inglésEste es el texto original en inglés. Regrese a la traducción español.

Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • Statements
  • Materials for role play

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Divide the children into groups of up to five and give each group a different statement. Explain that each group has about 15 minutes to read their statement and make a short sketch that gives a message about this statement.


Your role as a facilitator is to walk around and guide each group. If they get stuck, ask them questions such as:

  • How can you portray this statement?
  • What position do you want to take in the sketch?
  • ...

Ask each group to present their sketch. After each presentation, ask the audience what message they thought the presentation should convey. Then ask the presenting group what message they wanted to convey.


Start a discussion (see discussion questions in the extra game info).

Información extra del juego


  • Puppets are only for girls.  
  • Boys don’t cry.  
  • Boys don’t wear skirts.  
  • A girl cannot be the boss.  
  • Only boys play football.  
  • Girls are weak and boys are strong.  
  • Girls help their mothers and boys help their fathers.  
  • It is better to be a girl then a boy.  
  • When something goes wrong, boys are always blamed first.  
  • Boys can say ‘dirty words’, but girls can’t.  
  • Girls are smarter than boys.  
  • Girls win in fights because they fight ‘dirty’.  
  • It is OK for boys to hit each other, but not for girls.  
  • Boys are lazier than girls.  
  • Girls are better liars than boys. 

Discussion questions: 

  1. What did you think of these statements?  
  2. Have you ever been in a situation like that? How did you feel? What did you do?  
  3. Do you know other statements like these?  
  4. Are there different rules and expectations for boys or girls in this group? In the classroom or in school? In the family? Does this make sense?  
  5. What happens when a boy or girl doesn’t agree with these ideas and wants to be or act differently?  
  6. How do these ideas about males and females limit our choices? Can you give some examples?  
  7. How do these limitations affect our human rights?  
  8. What can we do in the future so that boys and girls can act more freely the way they want to?  

Tips for the facilitator
  • Be careful to not reinforce the stereotypes this activity seeks to address. Be aware of your own prejudices and stereotypes relating to gender and how you may convey them to the players as the facilitator of the group.
  • Choose statements that show how girls and boys have equal rights. Choose statements controversial enough to elicit differences in opinions.


Rather than creating a sketch, let the children make a visual presentation about their statement (e.g., a drawing, cartoons, a collage with pictures from magazines, etc).

Objetivos de aprendizaje específicos

  1. Learning how to express your own opinion  
  2. Learning how to listen to someone else’s opinion  
  3. Learning about stereotypes and the label society can put on people.  

Lo que la gente dijo sobre este juego

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Detalles del juego


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Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego


Detalles del juego

Otros juegos de ARSIS- Association for the Social Support of Youth

Líneas silenciosas

Durante este juego de activación agradable para todas las edades, los participantes se conocerán mejor sin hablar.

Detalles del juego

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