Three Good Things

Embrace positive experiences to promote mental well-being

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Todo lo que necesita para jugar este juego.

  • "- Paper - Pens - Fine rope - Beads of different sizes"

Una guía paso a paso para jugar el juego.


Thinking about positive experiences in our lives is not always easy. However, when we dwell too much on negative experiences, we can become sad, anxious, or tense.


To reduce these bad feelings, ask the players to write down three things that went well in their lives today.


Let them think about how they contributed themselves to these positive experiences.


Open the conversation with the group and ask the players to share the positive experiences they wrote down.


Complete this exercise by advising them that they can practice this daily by thinking of three good moments or experiences of the day.

This can be done at the end of the day to help end difficult days on a positive note.

Información extra del juego

Source: De speeltuin van de kindertherapeut, Dominiek Huis in ' Veld-Verhoeven


Make a bracelet with beads of 2 sizes where the large beads symbolize positive experiences. For each positive experience, have them add a large bead to their bracelet, and encourage them to think about how they contributed to these positive experiences.

-Deepen the conversation on the positive experiences by asking the players how the experiences happened and why?Have players pair up and share their reflections with a partner before sharing with the larger group.

- Allow participants to draw or create a visual representation of their positive experience instead of writing.

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