Break the circle

Highlight the ease and subtlety of exclusion. Make the group conscious of their own role and responsibilities in both minority and majority groups.

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Signaler ce jeu

anglaisCeci est le texte d'origine en anglais. Retournez à la traduction du/de l' français.

Tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour jouer à ce jeu

  • paper
  • pencils

Un guide étape par étape pour jouer le jeu


Depending on the number of players, choose 3 or 4 volunteers to stand on one side of the room. The rest of the group form a tight and solid human circle in the centre of the room.


Explain that after the starting signal, the volunteers should try to break the circle. The group can decide whether to resist or not. The volunteers can ask to join the group. End this part of the exercise after 10 - 15 minutes or when the volunteers have managed to break into the circle.


Divide the participants into smaller groups and encourage them to reflect on the experience, either through verbal discussion or by making drawings or images. Using visual aids can be especially useful for younger participants to prevent the reflection from feeling too academic or boring. Afterwards, hold a feedback session with the whole group.


You can conclude the exercise with some general conclusions:

  • We exclude quickly and sometimes unconsciously.
  • We need to be aware of the (subtle) mechanism of exclusion.

Informations supplémentaires sur le jeu

Reflection questions

(1) What happened during the exercise?

If the group has shown strong resistance, some members may experience guilt. In this scenario, it is important to remind the group that the purpose of the activity is not to induce guilt or blame anyone for misbehaviour, but rather to demonstrate how easily we can exclude ourselves without paying attention to our actions.

  • Did the large group resist? Why? Was that agreed upon?
  • What strategy did the volunteers use to get into the circle?
  • Did they ask to be allowed into the circle?

(2) Personal experiences

  • How did you feel during the exercise? And now?
  • What did you learn during the exercise?
  • As a volunteer/group, when would you give up trying to get into the circle?
  • Have you ever felt that way in other situations?
  • What would you want to change?

This game is part of the 'All Children, All Right(s)!' toolkit, which focuses on promoting the right to participation.

Ce que les gens ont dit à propos de ce jeu

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